Document IIF

Effet de la température de refroidissement et du cycle de dégivrage sur la qualité des dattes pendant l'entreposage.

Effect of cooling temperature and defrosting cycle on date quality during storage.


Date is the most important fruit in United Arab Emirates. The average per capita consumption is 35 kg. The objectives of this project were to investigate the effect of cooling temperature and defrosting cycle on date quality. Berhi dates at different ripening stage (Balah, Rutab and Tamr) were stored at different temperatures (7, -7, -18, -25, and -30°C). Defrosting cycles were set at 6, 24 and 72 hours for (-25°C) freezers. Quality parameters were determined for fresh dates and dates stored for 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. For different ripening stages of dates there were significant temperature x storage and defrosting cycle x storage interactions for moisture content, water activity, ascorbic acid and sensory attributes. Moisture content and water activity were slightly affected by storage temperature and defrosting cycles while ascorbic acid decreased significantly during storage for all the storage temperatures and defrosting cycles. Sensory attributes had similar patterns, dates at different ripening stages developed darker colour, sweeter taste, more date flavor and softer texture. Refrigerated and frozen Tamr stored for 12 months had similar ratings for overall acceptance. Balah and Rutab stored for 12 months at -25°C at 72 hours defrosting cycle retained more ascorbic acid and had the highest ratings for overall acceptance. Tamr should be stored at refrigeration temperature while Balah and Rutab should be stored at -25°C with 72 hours defrosting cycle to preserve its quality.

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Pages : ICR07-C2-620


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    20 €

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  • Titre original : Effect of cooling temperature and defrosting cycle on date quality during storage.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2008-0276
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
  • Date d'édition : 21/08/2007


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