Document IIF

Effet synergique de la conservation par surfusion assistée d’un champ électromagnétique sur la qualité physicochimique de melons fraîchement coupés.

Synergistic effect of electromagnetic field assisted supercooling preservation on physicochemical quality of fresh-cut cantaloupes.

Numéro : 1075

Auteurs : JIANG H., ZHAO S., LIU B., WANG H., LIU J., YANG X., GUAN W.


Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are prone to deterioration in production and processing stages, making them unsuitable for long-term storage. To address this issue, the combination of static magnetic field (SMF) and low voltage electrostatic field (LVEF) assisted supercooling technology was proposed. Fresh-cut cantaloupes were continuously treated in supercooled with the magnetic flux density of 30 mT and electric field intensity of 500 V/m while detecting physicochemical indexes during storage. The result indicated that synergistic application of electromagnetic fields can effectively allow fresh-cut cantaloupes to be supercooled at -5 °C for up to 14 days. Furthermore, quality assessments demonstrated that the synergistic effect of two physical fields significantly improved the preservation quality of samples compared to other treatments, which reduced weight loss, inhibited MDA content and microbial growth. Therefore, these findings have practical application value in the field of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables preservation.

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Pages : 11


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  • Titre original : Synergistic effect of electromagnetic field assisted supercooling preservation on physicochemical quality of fresh-cut cantaloupes.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30032498
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Sujet : Technologie
  • Source : 8th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain. Proceedings: June 9-11 2024
  • Date d'édition : 11/06/2024
  • DOI :


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