Nouvelles approches du renforcement des capacités et de l'assistance technique : partenariats.

Capacity building and technical assistance: new approaches and building alliances./ Nouvelles approches du renforcement des capacités et de l'assistance technique : partenariats.

Auteurs : GUPTA D.

Type d'article : Article de périodique


The discussion in the paper leads to the following conclusions: 1) each nation must take its own actions to upgrade its food control systems. Substantial financial assistance apart from technical assistance is required for capacity building in developing countries. A global food safety fund has to be set up; 2) a national plan of action must be prepared, including a national HACCP training and implementation plan; 3) WHO/FAO should become the coordinator; 4) some continuous technical support in the form of experts is necessary to help in the above activities; 5) all proposed activities must eventually create capacity building by virtue of strengthening of institutions in a country which will provide the sustainability. The nature of strengthening must be specified; 6) WHO/FAO facilitate data generation from developing countries for Codex standard setting; 7) data bases of import requirements of developed countries have to be prepared; 8) for various areas, Web-based training and awareness-raising programmes have to be prepared.


  • Titre original : Capacity building and technical assistance: new approaches and building alliances./ Nouvelles approches du renforcement des capacités et de l'assistance technique : partenariats.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2003-0202
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Joint FAO-WHO glob. Forum Food Saf. Regul., Marrakesh/Rapp. Forum mond. FAO-OMS Responsab. Sécur. sanit. Aliments, Marrakesh - GF 01-12; 11 p. (E); 13 p. (F); tabl.
  • Date d'édition : 28/01/2002
  • Document disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque du siège de l'IIF uniquement.


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