Document IIF
Refroidissement de la viande cuite : mise au point de modèles pour la prévision du développement de spores pathogènes dans les aliments.
Cooling of cooked meat: development of predictive models for foodborne pathogenic spore-formers.
Auteurs : JUNEJA V. K.
Inadequate cooling of foods in retail food operations is a major safety problem. Accordingly, the objectives of these studies was to determine the safe cooling rate for cooked beef and develop models to predict the germination, outgrowth and lag (GOL), and exponential growth rates (EGR) of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium botulinum from spores. First, the author demonstrated the effectiveness and validity of the "square-root model" under non-isothermal conditions. Next, he developed two models, one each for C. perfringens and proteolytic C. botulinum, to predict their growth from spores at temperatures applicable to the cooling of cooked meat. It was found that for C. perfringens, the use of the logistic function provided a better prediction of relative growth than the use of the Gompertz function. For C. botulinum, growth curves were determined by fitting Gompertz functions to the data. From the parameters of the Gompertz or logistic function, the growth characteristics, GOL times and EGR, were calculated. These growth characteristics were subsequently described by Ratkowsky functions using temperature as the independent variable. By applying multivariate statistical procedures, the standard errors and confidence intervals were computed on the predictions of relative growth for a given temperature. Closed form equations were developed that allows prediction of growth for a general cooling scenario. The predictive models should aid in evaluating the safety of cooked product after cooling and thus, with the disposition of products subject to cooling deviations.
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- Titre original : Cooling of cooked meat: development of predictive models for foodborne pathogenic spore-formers.
- Identifiant de la fiche : 2005-1355
- Langues : Anglais
- Source : Rapid Cooling of Food.
- Date d'édition : 28/03/2001
Voir d'autres communications du même compte rendu (41)
Voir le compte rendu de la conférence
Thèmes :
Ingénierie alimentaire;
Viande et produits carnés;
Aliments préparés - Mots-clés : Spore; Clostridium; Viande; Réfrigeration; Recherche; Boeuf; Produit carné; Modélisation; Croissance
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- Formats : PDF
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