Résultats de recherche

  • 5 000 livres sterling pour récompenser une réalisation technique - Appel à nominations

    L'institut britannique du froid (IOR), lance un appel à nominations pour la prestigieuse Médaille d'or de J&E Hall, reconnue au niveau international. 

    • Date de publication : 25/11/2020
  • La croissance des boulangeries industrielles s'envole grâce aux entrepôts frigorifiques en silo.

    Viera's Bakery a choisi les rayonnages à palettes de la société Steel King pour augmenter sa capacité de stockage.

    • Date de publication : 19/02/2017
  • News about IIR members: Air Products

    Air Products has launched a new air-separation plant in Tangshan, China, and will supply oxygen via a pipeline to Guo Feng Steel, along with liquid products to other customers in the region. With a production level of over 30 million tons, Guo...

    • Date de publication : 28/01/2006
  • CO2 technology for ice-skating rinks

    Nowadays, the use of large amounts of ammonia in public places is restricted by regulations in several countries, for safety reasons. Hence, new skating rinks with direct ammonia systems can no longer be built, although it is thought that they...

    • Date de publication : 19/11/2004
  • Solar cooling: Low-cost solar vaccine refrigerator

    About 2 million people around the world die each year of diseases preventable by widely used vaccines. In Africa and parts of Asia, over half of all vaccines that require refrigeration spoil before they can be administered. Millions of lives and...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Out of ordinary: Oldest Ice Skates?

    The oldest pair of skates known date from about 3000 BC and were found at the bottom of a lake in Switzerland. They were made from the leg bones of large animals, holes were bored at each end of the bone and leather straps were used to tie the...

    • Date de publication : 26/07/2006
  • Briefs: 72 bacterial species identified in domestic refrigerators

    French agency, AFSSA (Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments) recently conducted a microbiological study on 2 types of refrigeration installations related to domestic food consumption: refrigerated display cabinets and domestic...

    • Date de publication : 07/03/2010
  • Trends and Figures: Increase in AC prices in Asia

    According to 2 articles in JARN, the prices of air conditioning are starting to show the effects of the rising raw materials prices, including those of copper, steel and aluminium. There are claims that the prices of these essential metals, in...

    • Date de publication : 15/11/2006
  • Pioneering CO2 road vehicles

    Aldi Süd, Germany's biggest supermarket chain, is investing in new road transportation for frozen food and beverages with a view to promoting CO2. The next-generation vehicles will go into serial production after being exhibited at the Frankfurt...

    • Date de publication : 13/08/2009
  • Efficient mine cooling

    Bluhm Burton Engineering (BBE) is currently implementing energy management ventilation and refrigeration systems for mines to reduce overall and to manage energy consumption. BBE's Director, Raymond Funnell, has underscored that there is a boom in...

    • Date de publication : 13/05/2008
  • LNG Overview

    LNG tankers China will produce 5 more LNG tankers. The first Chinese-built LNG tanker was built last year and the second one was launched in Shanghai in June 2006: it cost 160 million USD and can carry 147 000 m3 of LNG at -163°C during...

    • Date de publication : 15/11/2006
  • Price of air conditioners to rise

    Raw materials make up some 90% of the cost of a room air conditioner: 30% copper, 45% steel plate and 15% aluminium.According to World Bank data, the price of copper roughly doubled between 2009 and early 2011, that of steel plate rose by...

    • Date de publication : 16/08/2011
  • University of Chicago – South Campus chiller plant

    When the University of Chicago built a new chiller plant, it seized the opportunity to make the new plant functional, high-performance and on display as a work of art. The resulting South Campus chiller plant celebrates technical equipment: all...

    • Date de publication : 09/06/2011
  • Le froid est-il la solution au captage du CO2 ?

    Même si cela demande à être étayé par des travaux de recherche complémentaires, certains scientifiques estiment que les technologies du froid pourraient réduire la consommation d'énergie et les coûts d'environ 30% dans l'une des centrales...

    • Date de publication : 17/06/2014
  • Le premier gratte-ciel rotatif du monde dévoilé à Dubai (en anglais)

    Les étages de la "Dyanmic Tower", qui devrait être construite d'ici 2020, pourront pivoter à 360 degrés.

    • Date de publication : 25/07/2017
    • Sujets : Environnement
  • La fabrication additive de régénérateurs pour le froid calorique

    Dans de nombreux domaines de l’ingénierie, la fabrication additive permet d’obtenir des produits complexes et multifonctionnels qui ne pourraient pas être fabriqués à l’aide de...

    • Dernière mise à jour : 16/09/2022
    • Langues : Anglais, Français
    • Thèmes : Froid calorique (froid magnétocalorique, électrocalorique, élastocalorique et barocalorique)
  • La fabrication additive d’échangeurs de chaleur

    Dans l'industrie du froid, la fabrication additive (communément appelée « impression 3D ») permet de fabriquer des géométries d'échangeurs de chaleur novatrices, complexes et...

    • Dernière mise à jour : 07/09/2022
    • Langues : Anglais, Français
    • Thèmes : Evaporateurs, condenseurs et autres échangeurs thermiques