Analysis of vibration and noise of cogeneration units installed in boiler houses at housing estates.

Analýza kmitania a hluku intšalovaných kogeneracných jednotiek v kotolniach na sídliskách.

Author(s) : MUSIL M., CHLEBO O., ŽIARAN S.

Type of article: Article


The goal of the article is to identify and analyse the causes of excessive dynamic loading of CGU's, their transmission of low-frequency waves into surrounding structures, and the subsequent radiation to nearby residential areas, where residents are expressing annoyance during mental work, relaxation and throughout the evening. The character of the noise manifests itself as a constant rumbling noise, which may greatly reduce quality of life of nearby dwellings. Frequency analysis of the CGU mountings and reciprocating parts were
performed. The vibration transmission through the silentblocks and via vibro-isolation of the base as well as the acoustic efficiency of the CGU covering were measured and analysed. Causes of vibration and noise were identified and effective measures were proposed based on the theoretical and experimental analysis.

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Pages: 284-290


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  • Original title: Analýza kmitania a hluku intšalovaných kogeneracných jednotiek v kotolniach na sídliskách.
  • Record ID : 30024045
  • Languages: Czech
  • Source: Vytápení Vetrání Instalace - vol. 26 - n. 5
  • Publication date: 2017/11


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