Courses and training
In this section, you will find digital course material on the main themes of refrigeration, as well as a section dedicated to certification courses in the fields of refrigeration and air-conditioning. We invite you to check with the training organisations the exact content of the certifications issued.
Latest courses
Digital course material
Overview of refrigeration
IIR courses:
Other courses:
Manual for Refrigeration Servicing Technicians (PNUE, 2010)
IIR courses:
Other courses:
Courses on alternative refrigerants proposed by the European programme Real Alternatives, available after free registration:
Introduction to Alternative Refrigerants - safety, efficiency, reliability and good practice (updated 2018)
Safety and risk management for using alternative refrigerants (new 2018)
Design differences for alternative refrigerants (updated 2018)
Containment of alternative refrigerants (updated 2018)
Service and maintenance checklist for alternative refrigerants (updated 2018)
Retrofitting existing systems with low GWP refrigerants (updated 2018)
Legislation and regulation checklist (updated 2018)
Measuring the cost of leakage of alternative refrigerants (updated 2018)
Guidance on giving advice to customers for reducing leakage (updated 2018)
Other courses:
European Cryogenics Course 2022
- Superconductivity & cryogenics
- Compact cryocooler developments
- Fundamentals of cryocoolers
- Dilution refrigerators
Air conditioning
IIR course:
Cold chain
IIR course:
Other courses:
Courses proposed by the European programme Supersmart :
- Eco-friendly Supermarkets - an Overview
- How to build a new Eco-friendly Supermarket
- Eco Friendly Operation and Maintenance of Supermarkets
- EU Ecolabel for Food retail stores
Heat pumps, energy recovery
IIR courses:
Thermodynamics and transfer process
Other courses selected by Commission B2:
- The Basics of Transport Phenomena (by TU Delft, 2015).
- Advanced Transport Phenomena (by TU Delft, 2016).
- Thermodynamique appliquée* (by Souheila Mellari, University of Mentouri, Algeria, 2022).
Refrigerating equipment
Other courses selected by STID:
- Les échangeurs de chaleur* (by Souheila Mellari, University of Mentouri, Algeria, 2023).
- Installations frigorifiques* (by Souheila Mellari, University of Mentouri, Algeria, 2022).
- Magnetic refrigeration (by Souheila Mellari, University of Mentouri, Algeria, 2022).
Training programmes
- FAO elearning Academy
- IEA online courses on Energy Efficiency
- UNEP eLearning system
- UNEP - Training Programme for National Ozone Officers
- U4E - Videos and webinars
- GIZ, Germany: Programme of courses
- "Refrigerated Transport Technology" (Wageningen Academy, the Netherlands)
- "Postharvest Technology" (Wageningen Academy, the Netherlands)
- Courses from Centro Studi Galileo, (Italy)
- Shecco, 2017: List of organisations providing training courses related to natural refrigerants in Europe
- AREA, 2017: List of institutions providing training courses on low GWP refrigerants in Europe
- Airedale, United Kingdom: Training brochure on refrigeration and air conditioning
- BESA training, United Kingdom: List of courses
- Ellis Training, United Kingdom: List of courses
- Logic 4 Training, United Kingdom: List of courses
- Programme of the Refrigeration and Cryogenics Master at Wroclaw University (Poland)
North America
- List of courses proposed by the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (USA)
- List of courses proposed by Festo Didactic (USA)
- Courses proposed by the Refrigeration School (USA)
- List of courses proposed by the Hillphoenix Learning Center (USA)
- Seminar on air conditioning and refrigeration proposed by NTT Training (USA)
- Courses on air conditioning and refrigeration provided by Meridian Technology Center (USA)
- Training catalogue provided by the AIRAH (Australia)
Course on refrigeration and air conditioning, accredited by the Australian government
- Programme of courses provided by the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Academy (ACRA, South Africa)
*These courses are only available in French.
The courses described in bold are not available for free.