The main scope of the project is to support the EU farm to fork sustainable strategy by providing technical, financial, and political tools and solutions to reduce GHG emissions (by 2030) and achieve carbon neutrality (by 2050) in the food industry.





The ENOUGH project aims to address all environmental concerns arising from the food sector. The main objective of ENOUGH is to support the EU’s sustainable farm to fork strategy by providing technical, financial and political tools and solutions to reduce GHG emissions and achieve climate neutrality in the food industry. To achieve this, the project has set itself the following main objectives:


  • The reduction of GHG emissions in the EU by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 1990 values, by implementing a zero carbon food chain strategy.
  • Providing European food businesses with guidelines, tools and TRL 5-7 decarbonisation technologies to achieve climate neutrality.
  • Reducing primary energy use in food systems while increasing energy efficiency.
  • Enhancing the sustainability of food systems. 
  • Raising awareness among all parties including end-users, stakeholders, policy makers, industry and investors, to generate interest in the project’s outcomes.



Funded by: The European Commission- Horizon 2020 and European Green Deal

Duration: 4 years (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2025)

Grand agreement ID: 101036588

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The project also aims to demonstrate promising technological solutions applied to the supply chain of four food applications (meat, fish, fruit/vegetables and milk/dairy) from production to the consumption point, in order to limit the emissions footprint, such as the replacement of fossil fuel boilers by CO2 heat pumps in the meat, fish and dairy thermal process. The project will also review EU policies and regulations, communicate with EU policy makers and provide them with guidelines for achieving climate neutrality in the food supply chain. The consortium is composed of 28 partners (9 EU countries, UK, Norway and Turkey) with extensive knowledge and proven expertise in the food industry, cold chain management and advanced refrigeration processes. 


As the Lead of two Work Packages (Carbon Emission Baseline and Predictions; Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation), the IIR’s role is to:

  • Undertake and support assessments of GHG emissions for the food chain by establishing a baseline for 1990 to help forecast GHG emissions for 2030 and 2050.

  • Develop and implement the ENOUGH communication and dissemination strategy.

  • Develop the ENOUGH website and communication supports.

  • Organise and facilitate ENOUGH workshops at IIR conferences, co-sponsored conferences and other events.

  • Facilitate the publication of academic papers in the International Journal of Refrigeration (IJR) and other high impact journals.

  • Disseminate ENOUGH news through the IIR’s digital communication and social media channels.

  • Promote ENOUGH at trade exhibitions, international meetings and conferences.

  • Create and disseminate final outcomes of the project.

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