The outcomes of INDEE+ will support India's commitment to achieving the ratification goals of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
INDEE+ is an umbrella project including several projects that support India in a sustainable transition towards more environmentally friendly refrigeration and AC technologies.
The project aims to investigate measures to reduce current high refrigerant emissions at the end of the system’s life through the application of CO2 refrigeration technology in energy-intensive buildings (supermarkets, hotels and fishing vessels) that have to cope with high ambient temperatures in India. As a strategic partner, IIR is engaged to disseminating the project outcomes, facilitating and supporting knowledge transfer between Norwegian and Indian institutions through the following activities:
Development and implementation of the project communication strategy.
Dissemination of the project outcomes through digital communication materials (Newsletters, leaflets, editorials) to the IIR network.
Promotion of the project at IIR conferences and co-sponsored conferences.
Organisation of INDEE+ workshops.
Funded by: The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
Duration: 3 years (Sept. 2021 - Sept. 2024)