Actualités de l'IIF

1 157 actualités

  • Conference reports: Sydney

    The 9th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids was held in Sydney, Australia, on April 12-14, 2010. Almost 200 participants from 28 countries were able to gain an insight into this increasingly mature technology. The proceedings...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Conference reports: Oran

    LNG 16, a conference co-organized by the IIR, was held in Oran, Algeria, on April 18-21, 2010. In spite of the volcanic ash cloud that grounded many potential participants, LNG 16 attracted 1800 participants from 58 countries, and 674...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Conference reports: Tokyo

    ACRA2010, the 5th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, was held in Tokyo on June 7-9, 2010. This fifth successful IIR-co-sponsored event in the series attracted 156 attendees from 12 countries. Order the proceedings containing...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Upcoming conferences: Boatou

    The 4th International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature (Thermag IV) is to take place in Baotou, China, on August 23-27, 2010. Register now for this fourth cutting-edge event in the series!

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Upcoming conferences: Sofia

    The 9th IIR Conference on Phase-Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning will be held on September 29-October 1, 2010 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Check out the draft programme and register now so you make sure you don't miss...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Upcoming conferences: Shanghai

    The IIR-co-sponsored 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2010) will take place in Shanghai, China, on August 24-27, 2010. For full details:

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Upcoming conferences: Dinan

    Pôle Cristal Symposium, an IIR-co-sponsored event, will be held in Dinan, France, on October 7-8, 2010. It will focus on solutions for energy-efficient buildings. For full details:

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Briefs: Statutory meetings

    The IIR's statutory committees met in Paris on June 9-11, 2010. In particular, the committees took decisions regarding IIR publications policy and the new information system and related new IIR services that will be implemented in 2011. The aim is...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Briefs: Mr Qiu Zhongyue awarded

    Mr Qiu Zhongyue has been awarded the French Refrigeration Association's prestigious Charles Tellier Medal. Mr Qiu has worked at the Chinese Association of Refrigeration for over 30 years and has led many actions designed to enhance international...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Briefs: Obituaries

    Prof. Josef Ota, member of the International Advisory Board of the International Journal of Refrigeration, of the board of Chalzeni a klimatizace (a Czech journal of refrigeration and air conditioning) and member of Commission B1, Associate...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • New IIR members

    The IIR welcomes the following new members: Benefactor members Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque, France EPEE, Belgium Private members Mr Nacer Achaichia, Belgium Mr Pascal Leterrible, France Mr Georges Marguerite, France Mr Mitchell...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • News from IIR members: Total

    Total is the world's fourth-largest listed producer of natural gas and one of its top three liquefied natural gas suppliers and has published recent statistics on LNG. Consumption has been growing almost 3% a year for more than 30 years. According...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • News from IIR members: AICVF

    AICVF is 100! The French Association of Air-conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Engineers is celebrating its centenary in 2010. It will produce a book retracing the history of the association, and each issue of its CVC journal will...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • News from IIR members: AFF

    2es Journées - Chaîne du froid des produits de santé (2nd Symposium on the cold chain and medicines) is to be held in Lyons, France, on November 24-25, 2010. Organized by the French Refrigeration Association (AFF) and SFSTP (French Society...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • News from IIR members: Danfoss

    A pleasant indoor climate and no energy costs. This is what it feels like to live in the Zero+ house - the first home in Denmark that produces more power than is actually consumed. The house supplies its own heating and electricity and generates...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • Climespace

    Who cools the Louvre, the French parliament, the Paris Opera House, the Bank of France, Chanel, Dior, Galeries Lafayette, several 5-star hotels and many other buildings? The answer is Climespace. With 475 customers, 5 million m² cooled and...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • News from IIR members: ASHRAE

    ASHRAE has launched High Performing Buildings, a quarterly magazine that is distributed to building owners, facility managers, architects, contractors and engineers. Its aim is to help decision makers in the building community learn about the...

    • Date de publication : 04/02/2011
  • IIR Working Party Mitigation of Direct Emissions of GHGs

    The second meeting of the IIR Working Party Mitigation of Direct Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Refrigeration (WP_MRE) will take place at the International Institute of Refrigeration, 177, Boulevard Malesherbes, 75017 Paris, on February 9, 2011,...

    • Date de publication : 23/12/2010
  • News from the IIR WP on Mitigation of Emissions

    Consult here the minutes of the first meeting of the IIR Working Party on Mitigation of Direct Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Refrigeration chaired by Per Lundqvist.

    • Date de publication : 02/12/2010
  • 12e Cryogenics 2012

    La première annonce sur la 12e Cryogenics 2012 vient de paraître. Cet événement aura lieu à Dresde (Allemagne) du 11 au 14 septembre 2012 :...

    • Date de publication : 02/11/2010
  • Les rendez-vous du Pôle Cristal

    Les rendez-vous du Pôle Cristal auront lieu du 7 au 8 octobre 2010 à Dinan En savoir plus

    • Date de publication : 01/10/2010
  • PhD student recruitment

    PhD Studentship for 36 months for a subject concerning Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature (Machines, Theory, Modelling and Experiments): We are looking to recruit a PhD student in the area of magnetic refrigeration (thermal and fluid...

    • Date de publication : 30/09/2010
  • Conference update: Dinan

    Le Pôle Cristal organise un colloque scientifique sur le thème : « Froid industriel et commercial. Bâtiment économe en énergie », les 7 et 8 octobre 2010, à Dinan (France). Une table ronde sur « Les enjeux du froid dans l'industrie...

    • Date de publication : 27/09/2010
  • FRISBEE Project

    The IIR is involved in a 4-year project within the context of the EU 7th Framework Programme. The objective of the FRISBEE (Food Refrigeration Innovations for Safety, consumers' Benefit, Environmental impact and Energy optimisation along the cold...

    • Date de publication : 26/07/2010
  • Minutes of IIR Commission B1 Business Meeting in Boulder

    A Commission B1 business meeting took place in Boulder, Colorado, USA (June 24, 2009). It was chaired by Commission B1 President Dr Piotr Domanski. The minutes of the meeting are available

    • Date de publication : 07/06/2010