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Les frigorigènes naturels stimulent le marché mondial du froid commercial en 2023
Selon le JARN, les frigorigènes naturels utilisés dans les équipements commerciaux gagnent en popularité, contribuant notamment à dynamiser la demande de renouvellement des...
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2 770 actualités
Behold the 9-day fresh strawberry: new approach to slowing rot doubles berry shelf life
A study has demonstrated that low irradiance ultra-violet (UV) light directed at strawberries over long exposure periods at low temperature and very high humidity (typical home refrigerator conditions) delays spoilage.
Transcritical CO2 refrigeration ready for prime time panel
Transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems brings certainty at ATMOsphere America 2013
Time-temperature indicator materials given green light by EFSA
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) validates active materials used to create time-temperature indicators on chilled food packaging.
Water desalination thanks to freezing
A new desalination process involving freezing has been developed and offers an alternative to the shortcomings of other technologies such as distillation or inverted osmosis.
Japan: revised Fluorinated gas legislation to encourage rationalised use and proper management of fluorocarbons
The Japanese Cabinet recently approved the “Bill for the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on Ensuring the Implementation of Recovery and Destruction of Fluorocarbons concerning Designated Products.”
SEAD assessment results out
Efficient air conditioners could help make huge energy savings.
MAC: SAE considers R1234yf as “safe and effective” and AC5 and AC6 blends as “technically credible”
The SAE International Cooperative Research Project team has concluded that “R1234yf refrigerant is safe and effective to use in automotive applications. It also concluded that “based on a detailed fault tree analysis, AC6 offers a risk profile...
CO2 is gaining ground in North-American supermarkets
In Canada, according to the shecco “GUIDE 2013: Natural Refrigerants - Market Growth for North America,”over 65 food-retail stores use or have made a purchase order for CO2 secondary, cascade, or transcritical refrigeration systems. CO2 is also...
Ohrid conference highlights: ammonia refrigeration in China
Over 92% of Chinese cold stores have adopted ammonia as a refrigerant. According to Jianji Zhang, series reciprocating compressors are currently the most widely used due to low cost and availability of spares, but screw compressors which have...
Newly introduced Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Levy in New-Zealand
On July 1, 2013 the Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (SGG) Levy entered into force in New Zealand and applies to a range of goods including freezers, fridges and air conditioners.
Chinese demand for air conditioners and refrigerators will continue to grow
According to the China Refrigerant Compressor Industry Report, 2013-2016 released by Sino Market Insight, till 2016, Chinese demand for air conditioners and refrigerators will reach 124 million units and 113 million units respectively.
New magnetic nanocooling technology decreases the environmental impact of cooling and avoids side effects of magnetic fields on electronics
Researchers from the University of Cambridge, UK, and CICnanoGUNE in Spain have developed new cooling technology for the thermal management of computer chips and other miniaturized devices. It utilizes materials that change temperature when...
Cryolypolysis: removing fat cells by cooling
Cryolipolysis: Fat reduction really gets under the skin.
New R32 air-conditioning unit for Europe
Daikin announces Europe to see first air conditioning heat pump using the "slightly flammable" R32 refrigerant ...
The Chinese cold chain logistics market is expanding fast
In recent years in China, annual demand for cold chain logistics for the food industry rose to 100 million tons and annual growth has been over 8%.
London to Sydney in 5 hours?
Reaction Engines Ltd. of Oxfordshire, England, is one of the companies working on flights of the future. Its concept A2 airplane is to combine extremely advanced liquid-hydrogen technology with environmental friendliness.
ICCC2013 highlights: FRISBEE input: a quality, energy and environmental assessment tool for the European cold chain
In the framework of the EU-FP7 FRISBEE project – in which the IIR is involved –, QEEAT, a software tool was developed to assess food quality and safety evolution, energy usage and CO2 emission of different refrigeration technologies along the...
LNG to replace diesel fuel for locomotives?
BNSF will be testing a small number of locomotives using LNG as an alternative fuel to diesel later this year.
Solar cooling for large buildings in South Africa
A solar cooling solution to reduce energy costs for large buildings by combining high-efficiency chillers with hybrid solar thermal and photovoltaic (PV) technologies has been introduced in South Africa.
Air conditioner for data centers sales on the rise
The sales volume of air conditioners for data centres reached 84 000 units in the 4th quarter of 2012, indicating 18% year-on-year growth.
Modern technology permits economical refrigerated shipments
The number of refrigerated shipments, and thus the number of refrigerated containers, has risen worldwide in recent years. Hamburg Süd is optimizing the use of cooling energy and will reduce the energy consumption of its reefer containers by 15%...
The latest in laptop cooling technology
The latest developments in laptop cooling technology are based on liquid cooling systems which are thermally more efficient than regular air-based systems. In the past, liquid cooling was not a practical option for laptops because there wasn’t...
Optimizing frost-free refrigerators
A team from the Federal University of Paraná and the Federal University of Technology – Paraná in Brazil has modelled and optimized a frost-free refrigerator aimed at both cost and energy savings.
Phantom Eye completes its second flight
A liquid-hydrogen-powered unmanned spy plane from Boeing’s Phantom Works has successfully completed its second test flight.
Refrigerant contamination
In its "White Paper: Reports of R134a Contaminated with R40 and Other Refrigerants”, AHRI suggests that in addition to R40 and R22, R142b, R152a, and R12 have also been found mixed with R134a in newly filled refrigerant cylinders marked as...