Courbes de croissance de levures et de moisissures dans les fromages "pasta filata" entreposés sous des conditions d'entreposage inhabituelles.

Curve di crescita dei miceti in diversi formaggi in antipiche condizioni di conservazione.


Type d'article : Article


The aim of the present work is to define a mathematical expression useful to calculate the numeric growth of yeasts and moulds in different "pasta filata" cheeses under unusual storage conditions (temperature: 8-12°C). The results of a detailed study were submitted to logarithmic interpolation with good performances. The obtained equations show two coefficients depending on the particular type of product. So, various correlations were carried out using the microbiological data and all the available chemical parameters, as well as other quantities obtained by their sum, difference, multiplication, and division. The interpretation of the results allows to forecast interesting applications of the displayed logarithmic model. However, further research is needed.

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Pages : 532-538


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  • Titre original : Curve di crescita dei miceti in diversi formaggi in antipiche condizioni di conservazione.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2006-2512
  • Langues : Italien
  • Source : Rev. Ferment. Ind. aliment. - vol. 45 - n. 458
  • Date d'édition : 05/2006


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