Document IIF

Intérêt possible d'un champ électrique pendant la congélation des produits alimentaires : état de l'art de l'électrocongélation.

Possible interest of electric field during food freezing: a review of electrofreezing.


The electric field affects the orientation of polar molecules such as water. Because of the dipole moment, the external electric field aligns the dipole of water molecules from random directions to the direction of the electric field vector. This paper presents some recent results obtained in the case of freezing of water under static electric field. An external field was applied to distilled water and to a 10% propanediol model solution during freezing. Results showed that the supercooling degree that occurs during freezing was reduced with higher electric fields. In addition, the application of the electric field to a supercooled solution allowed the sudden rupture of the supercooled state. The results that have been obtained offer new horizons to the control of the freezing process in terms of control of the crystallization and maybe in terms of improvement of the size of ice crystals in frozen food structures.

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Pages : 2010-1


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  • Titre original : Possible interest of electric field during food freezing: a review of electrofreezing.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2010-0833
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : 1st IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain
  • Date d'édition : 29/03/2010


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