Maintien de la masse et de la fermeté des tubercules de pommes de terre grâce à l'utilisation du système atomiseur Tabor.

Using the Tabor Atomizer System to maintain weight and firmness in stored potato tubers.


Type d'article : Article


A new fogger (the Tabor Atomizer System) features unique atomizers, based on compressed air and water. The droplets produced have a very small mass and behave like a dry cloud, producing 96-98% relative humidity without depositing free water on the tubers. After 6 months of storage at 10 °C, with 96-98% relative humidity applied with the system (room A), 92-94% applied with a spin-disk humidifier (room B), and 82-86% with no added humidity (room C), the weight losses for stored potatoes were 2, 7 and 12%, respectively. The firmness of the tubers expressed as Newtons (N) required to penetrate the tubers before storage and after 6 months in room A, B or C was 76, 74, 68 or 63 N, respectively.


  • Titre original : Using the Tabor Atomizer System to maintain weight and firmness in stored potato tubers.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2001-0905
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Am. J. Potato Res. - vol. 77 - n. 3
  • Date d'édition : 2000


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