Document IIF

Surveillance de la manipulation des aliments par des appareils mesurant le temps et la température.

Monitoring food handling using time and temperature devices.

Auteurs : FARQUHAR J. W.

Type d'article : Article, Article de la RIF, Étude de cas


The United States has the most complex distribution system in the world, with the annual handling of millions of tons of frozen and chilled foodstuffs. Whilst enormous progress has been made in processing and packaging, faulty temperatures at critical points in the cold chain can often nullify this progress. All perishable foodstuffs have a limited life which can be further reduced if their temperatures are allowed to rise above the ideal level. Finally, proper handling must be employed to ensure good product quality during retail sale. The report examines some earlier and more recent handling methods, particularly a method which integrates the time/temperature combination and warns of rising product temperatures. The Food Marketing Institute, in collaboration with the National Marine Fisheries Service, has recently proposed a programme to improve the marketing of fresh sea products at consumer level. This project is described along with another programme to supervise the handling of beef carcasses throughout the distribution chain, right up to the moment they arrive at retail outlets.

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Pages : 50-54


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  • Titre original : Monitoring food handling using time and temperature devices.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 30000959
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 4 - n. 6
  • Date d'édition : 01/1982


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