Teneur en sulfite des crevettes congelées.

Content of sulphite in frozen prawns and shrimps.

Auteurs : HARDISSON A., RUBIO C., FRÍAS I., et al.

Type d'article : Article


The total sulphite content of frozen prawns and shrimps was determined by the Monier-Williams procedure. The use of sulphites could be breaching legislative limits since the residues in the edible parts of some frozen prawns and shrimps samples were found to be higher than 150 mg SO2 per kg (maximum concentration admitted in the edible parts for these fresh and frozen products according to current legislation). The non-edible parts presented much higher concentrations.


  • Titre original : Content of sulphite in frozen prawns and shrimps.
  • Identifiant de la fiche : 2004-1839
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Source : Food Control The International Journal of HACCP and Food Safety - vol. 13 - n. 4-5
  • Date d'édition : 06/2002


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