IIR conference

Women in Cooling: a Worldwide Survey (AHR Expo)

Join the session on Women in Cooling to take place during AHR Expo 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia (USA).


Women in Cooling: a Worldwide Survey

Wednesday, February 8

10:30 am - 11:30 am (UTC-5)

Location: B316

FREE to all registered AHR Expo attendees


  • Catarina Marques (Dr.) | LSBU Senior Researcher, Chairperson of IIR CaRe
  • Colleen Keyworth | Sales & Marketing Director at Online Access
  • Didier Coulomb | IIR Director General
  • Ina Colombo (Dr.) | Women in HVACR/IIR


Women are highly under-represented in this sector as indicated by the fact that only 6% of the members of national refrigeration associations/organizations/institutions are women.

In order to better understand the background, motivation, challenges, and opportunities faced by women working in RACHP a worldwide survey was undertaken by the IIR and OzonAction of UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in cooperation with several partners.

During this session, the IIR will present highlights from the IIR-UNEP Women in Cooling brief which was a result of the recent survey.

The session will showcase inspirational career experiences from many women across the globe.


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  • Date : February 08, 2023
  • Location : Atlanta, GA, United States
  • Organisers : ASHRAE


  • Themes : N/A
  • Keywords : N/A