Cryogenics - vol. 42 - n. 8

Type of periodic review: Journal


Cryogenics is the world's leading journal focusing on all aspects of cryoengineering and cryogenics. Papers published in Cryogenics cover a wide variety of subjects in low temperature engineering and research. Among the areas covered are:
• Applications of superconductivity: magnets, electronics, devices
• Superconductors and their properties
• Properties of materials: metals, alloys, composites, polymers, insulations
• New applications of cryogenic technology to processes, devices, machinery
• Refrigeration and liquefaction technology
• Thermodynamics
• Fluid properties and fluid mechanics
• Heat transfer
• Thermometry and measurement science
• Cryogenics in medicine
• Cryoelectronics


  • Original title: Cryogenics - vol. 42 - n. 8
  • Record ID : NP000186-00239
  • Publication: Elsevier - Amsterdam - United kingdom
  • Publication date: 2002/08
  • Number: vol. 42
  • Number: n. 8
  • ISSN: 00112275
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See articles (1)
See periodic review


  • Themes: N/A
  • Keywords: N/A