A new constant air volume flow regulation method for blowers used in HVAC&R systems.
Number: pap. 2589
Author(s) : YANG B., BEIFUS B., BECERRA R.
Accurate constant air volume flow rate regulation is essential in HVAC&R systems to provide comfort and required system performance. In the motor which drives a forward curved blower, the torque is regulated to provide the required air volume flow rate by monitoring the motor rotational speed. Various correlations including exponential functions and high order of polynomials used to regulate the torque in terms of motor speed and air volume flow rate are presented in the literature. However, none of these formulas has addressed the issue of inaccuracy of the air volume flow control in areas where the air density is different. Therefore, a new 5-coefficient formula is proposed in this paper to maintain the constant air volume flow rate regardless of the changes in air density.
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- Original title: A new constant air volume flow regulation method for blowers used in HVAC&R systems.
- Record ID : 30024660
- Languages: English
- Source: 2018 Purdue Conferences. 17th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Publication date: 2018/07/09
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