Active humidity control and continuous ventilation for improved air quality in schools.

Author(s) : BAYER C. W., HENDRY R. J., FISCHER J. C., et al.


A research project was undertaken, investigating the impact on school indoor air quality of active humidity control and continuous ventilation, with the objectives of (1) measuring the importance of humidity control and continuous ventilation on school indoor air quality; (2) developing baseline indoor air quality data for schools in hot and humid climates; (3) providing data and recommendations for HVAC designs for improving indoor air quality in schools; and (4) documenting the role of desiccant technologies to actively control humidity in schools. A literature review of school indoor air quality was the first task followed by a field investigation of the indoor air quality in ten noncompliant Georgia schools in matched pairs of schools with conventional systems and schools with desiccant-cooling systems. Continuous monitors for carbon dioxide, temperature, and humidity were placed in one location in each school for approximately one year. In the same room with the continuous monitor, time-weighted volatile organic compound (VOC) samples were taken for approximately 30-day periods throughout the investigational period. Additionally, on-site samples were collected at least four times during the year for VOCs, particles, bioaerosols, aldehydes and ketones, CO2, carbon monoxide, temperature, humidity, and air change rate to more thoroughly assess the indoor air quality in the schools.


  • Original title: Active humidity control and continuous ventilation for improved air quality in schools.
  • Record ID : 2005-1454
  • Languages: English
  • Source: IAQ 2001. Moisture, microbes and health effects: indoor air quality and moisture in buildings [CD-ROM].
  • Publication date: 2002


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