Advances in large scale applications of superconductors.

Author(s) : KOMAREK P.


Most applications are still relying on low-temperature superconductor (LTS) use, as the magnet systems for large accelerators and for magnetic fusion devices. NMR spectrometers are approaching the 1000 MHz class (23.5 T in the magnet bore), a challenge to most advanced LTS as well as to high-temperature superconductor (HTS). In MRI trends for HTS use have successfully been demonstrated, as well as for cryogenfree magnets, SMES and magnetic separation. However, economy will depend on HTS wire cost reductions. Well in use are already HTS current leads, contributing to advantages for magnets in many areas.


  • Original title: Advances in large scale applications of superconductors.
  • Record ID : 2002-1190
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Applied superconductivity 1999. 1. Large-scale applications. 2. Electronic applications.
  • Publication date: 2000
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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