This paper reports on the experimental evaluation and optimization of a novel solar cooling concept that allows a high temperature lift. Through applying this concept, very low temperatures (about –8 °C) on the cold side can be achieved in hot climates while employing a dry air heat rejection system that does not need water. Under these operating conditions, thermodynamic analysis revealed that high efficient solar collector system is needed, and thus the system configuration consists of an air-cooled single-effect water-ammonia absorption chiller that is driven by medium temperature solar collectors. Based on this system concept, a solar refrigeration plant for a Tunisian beverage factory was designed and installed in 2008. The experimental data obtained -according to the unified monitoring procedure of Task 38 SHCP-IEA -have been used to evaluate the system performance as well as to validate the simulation models of the system components. During the summer season of 2010, both the solar collector and the chiller were able to operate at their maximum design temperatures (180°C for the collector and -8°C for the chiller). And due to the optimization procedure carried out, the electrical COP and the average primary energy ratio of the solar cooling system were in the range of 4 and 162% respectively during the months of (May-July) 2010 which represent an improvement of 45% compared to 2009. As whole the study proofs that for food and agro industrial applications in areas with water scarcity and high direct radiation availability, the presented concept results technically viable and rentable from an energy point of view, and optimization process can improve the system even more. Simulations using validated models showed an optimization potential of 35% increase of the primary energy savings of the system.
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- Original title: Assessment and optimization of a novel solar refrigeration system applied in agro-food industry.
- Record ID : 30006156
- Languages: English
- Source: 4th Jordanian IIR International Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Proceedings: Amman, Jordan, September 10-12, 2012.
- Publication date: 2012/09/10
See other articles from the proceedings (28)
See the conference proceedings
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- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 2 - n.2
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- Date : 2011/08/21
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- Source: Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
- Formats : PDF
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