Calculation programmes for the Danish Quality Assurance Arrangement for refrigeration systems.
KK-Ordningens beregningsprogrammer.
Type of article: Article
One of the focus areas in the new Danish Quality Assurance Arrangement for Refrigeration systems is the design and dimensioning phase. This phase is now supported by a series of calculation programmes, specially developed for the Quality Assurance Arrangement. The programmes are designed so that they directly support the requirements of the Quality Assurance Arrangement with respect to dimensioning the plant, choosing components and creating documentation on the calculations. The article describes the background for the development of the calculation programmes and discusses how the programmes are to be used for design and the dimensioning of the plant and components. Furthermore, the article describes plans for future development of the programmes.
- Original title: KK-Ordningens beregningsprogrammer.
- Record ID : 2002-1813
- Languages: Danish
- Source: ScanRef - n. 5
- Publication date: 2000/10
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (1)
See the source
- Themes: Refrigerating equipment: general information
- Keywords: Software; Calculation; Piping; Denmark; Quality; Refrigerating plant; Heat exchanger; Compressor
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