Conectus releases recent market survey for global and European superconductivity markets.
Type of article: Article
The Consortium of European companies determined to use superconductivity (Conectus) has released a market survey. Products based on superconducting components was USD 2.0 billion worldwide in 1997. The market share of European companies is nearly 50% in these well established businesses. Conectus estimates that the total world market in year 2020 may reach USD 45 billion. So far, these markets are mostly for magnets ranging from small magnets for university research to enormous systems for large laboratory facilities. In contrast to these traditional fields, there are some exciting new businesses which will mostly be based on high temperature superconductivity, especially in: electric power, industrial processing, transportation, (new) medical applications, and information & communication.
- Original title: Conectus releases recent market survey for global and European superconductivity markets.
- Record ID : 1999-2747
- Languages: English
- Source: Supercond. Week - vol. 12 - n. 16
- Publication date: 1998/09/09
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
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- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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