Control of centrifugal compressors.

Author(s) : MOORE R.L.

Type of monograph: Other


The book is directed to the engineer, the first-line supervisor, and the senior technician. It is both theoretical and practical, since it shows the basic concepts of compressor control theory and the application of these concepts in daily practice. Extract from the table of contents: introduction and overview; centrifugal pumps; thermodynamics of compression; prime movers and ancillary systems; capacity control; surge control; control system interaction; coordinated compressor control; multiple compressor systems; optimization of compressor operation.


  • Original title: Control of centrifugal compressors.
  • Record ID : 1994-0673
  • Languages: English
  • Publication: Instrum. soc. am. - United states/United states
  • Publication date: 1989
  • Source: Source: 301 p. (19 x 26); fig.; tabl.; append.; index.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.