District cooling: a market poised for strong growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Author(s) : Frost & Sullivan

Type of article: Periodical article


Innovative technologies and construction boom will drive the District Cooling market in the Kingdom, says a Frost & Sullivan report. Globally, the movement of countries towards sustainability and “Green Technologies” is picking up pace. The Middle East has also joined this movement and is trying to “go green” in all possible ways. An extremely high temperature prevalent in the region makes air conditioning a necessity and has a major share of the total electrical consumption over other electrical needs. District cooling technology is handy, as it effectively offers central cooling for multiple buildings, while saving about 25% on electrical costs.


  • Original title: District cooling: a market poised for strong growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Record ID : 30010429
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy
  • Source: www.climatecontrolme.com
  • Publication date: 2014/02/05


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