The newly developed Coupled Vane Compressor (CVC) consists of a unique feature that is a couple of vanes cut through the rotor diametrically. Theoretically, this allows the rotor of any diameter which can accommodate the coupled vanes, to be able to operate CVC. Thus, unlike other rotary compressors, CVC design is mostly free of geometrical constraints imposed on the size of its rotor, making it one of the most compact compressors. Nevertheless, CVC suffers from frictional losses similar to other rotary compressors and therefore, studies of dynamic forces acting in CVC is of great interest. In this paper, dynamic forces acting on its components and frictional losses occurring due to rubbing of various components were studied and analysed. Unlike in other vane compressors, in which frictional losses are mostly due to the rubbing of vane tips against cylinder wall and vane sides against vane slot in the rotor, in CVC, the loss also occurs due to rubbing between the coupled vanes. A CVC prototype of 44 cm3 was developed and the compressor power consumption was experimentally studied in an open-type test circuit using air as an operating fluid. The predicted and measured power consumed by CVC were compared and the predicted results were found to have maximum discrepancy of ±15% with the measured results.
Available documents
Format PDF
Pages: 10
- Original title: Dynamic modelling and experimental validation of Coupled Vane Compressor.
- Record ID : 30028754
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 12th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems
- Publication date: 2021/09
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (63)
See the conference proceedings
- Themes: Compressors
- Keywords: Modelling; Vane compressor; Expérimentation; Prototype; Rotary compressor; Simulation; Air; Open circuit
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