Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
Type of periodic review: Journal
«Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies» publishes all those best ideas from the science, which can be introduced in the industry. Since, obtaining the high-quality, competitive industrial products is based on introducing high technologies from various independent spheres of scientific researches, but united by a common end result - a finished high-technology product. Among these scientific spheres, there are engineering, power engineering and energy saving, technologies of inorganic and organic substances and materials science, information technologies and control systems. Publishing scientific papers in these directions are the main development «vectors» of the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies». Since, these are those directions of scientific researches, the results of which can be directly used in modern industrial production: space and aircraft industry, instrument-making industry, mechanical engineering, power engineering, chemical industry and metallurgy.
- Original title: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
- Record ID : P0030849
- Publication: Ukraine
- Frequency of publicationEvery two months
- ISSN: 1729-3774
- e-ISSN: 1729-4061
- External links:
See periodic review issues (1)
- Themes: N/A
- Keywords: N/A