Presents the three indexes: the cooling load to heating load gain ratio; the annual cooling and heating load variation ratio; and the cooling and heating weighted factor to assess the energy-efficient performance of building insulation. Four zones with different orientations in one office building are used as an example to demonstrate the applications of these indexes in evaluating energy efficiency with different exterior wall insulation thicknesses in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The results reveal that there is significant room for improvement in energy efficiency for zones facing all orientations in Beijing and with orientations excluding south in Shanghai, while for the south-facing zones in Shanghai and all zones in Guangzhou there is little probability of reducing their total heating and cooling loads. Considering variety of the cooling and heating weighted factor, increased exterior wall insulation thickness helps to reduce annual cooling and heating loads in Beijing, but it depends on the orientation and cooling and heating load weighted factor in Shanghai and no energy-saving effect would be achieved by increasing exterior wall insulation thickness in Guangzhou.
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- Original title: [In Chinese. / En chinois.]
- Record ID : 2009-0732
- Languages: Chinese
- Source: HV & AC - vol. 38 - n. 214
- Publication date: 2008/08
See other articles in this issue (4)
See the source
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- Formats : PDF
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- Date : 2002/02
- Languages : German
- Source: Kälte + Klimatechnik (Die) - vol. 55 - n. 2
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