IIR document
Energy economy and heat recovery with particular reference to sea transport.
Economie d'énergie et récupération de chaleur notamment en transport maritime.
Author(s) : MATTAROLO L.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
In evaluating the energy performance of refrigerating systems, two aspects are considered: the efficiency with which cold is produced and the effectiveness of cold utilization. The first aspect is examined using exergy functions which allow the real losses of a plant to be quantified in the light of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The exergetic efficiency is very low, particularly at partial operating loads. The second aspect is related to the difference between the total refrigerating effect available and the proportion usefully employed. Exergy losses in fans and pumps for circulating fluids, poor insulation of walls and pipes, bad defrosting methods and door opening, etc. are responsible for this difference, which constitutes the wasted refrigerating effect. The situation is critical, especially in small plants, such as domestic refrigerators, and in refrigerated transport. In the case of sea transport one must take into account that containerization is rapidly replacing conventional ships and that there is an increase in vessels which freeze and store fish at sea. These two aspects are discussed in the Paper from the viewpoint of energy economy. Heat recovery in refrigerated sea transport is also considered.
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Pages: 6-12
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- Original title: Economie d'énergie et récupération de chaleur notamment en transport maritime.
- Record ID : 30001485
- Languages: French
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 9 - n. 1
- Publication date: 1986/01
See other articles in this issue (10)
See the source
Marine transport;
Energy efficiency, energy savings - Keywords: Sea transport; Heat recovery; Energy saving
Energy saving of LNG carriers.
- Author(s) : ITOYAMA N.
- Date : 1993/12
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: J. Soc. nav. Archit. Jap. - vol. 174
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Évolution de l'efficacité énergétique et de la ...
- Author(s) : TAECKENS J., STUMPF A.
- Date : 2015/03
- Languages : French
- Source: Revue générale du Froid & du Conditionnement d'air - vol. 103 - n. 1150
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- Author(s) : IONOV A. G.
- Date : 1987/08/24
- Languages : English
- Source: Development in refrigeration, refrigeration for development. Proceedings of the XVIIth international Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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Fishing vessel application.
- Author(s) : LARMINAT P. de, DUBRIE A., JOSE A.
- Date : 2018
- Languages : English, French, Spanish
- Formats : PDF, PowerPoint
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- Author(s) : STARYH Ju. V., BOJCUK V. E.
- Date : 1985
- Languages : Russian
- Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 2
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