Experiment on the evaporation process in the external surface cavities of evaporator tubes.

Untersuchung der dynamischen Verdampfungsvorgänge in den Oberflächenkavitäten von Re-Entrant-Hochleistungsverdampferrohren.


The authors present the results of tests relative to heat and mass transfer observed locally on evaporator tubes. The fluid studied was FC-72.


  • Original title: Untersuchung der dynamischen Verdampfungsvorgänge in den Oberflächenkavitäten von Re-Entrant-Hochleistungsverdampferrohren.
  • Record ID : 2007-1463
  • Languages: German
  • Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 2006, Dresden.
  • Publication date: 2006/11/22


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