Fan coil units: fall or rebirth of their use in modern and low energy consumption buildings.

Ventilátorové konvektory: pád nebo renesance pri jejich použití v moderních a nízkoenergetických budovách.

Author(s) : PETLACH J.

Type of article: Article


The author opens further discussion concerning the suitability of use fan-coil units or ceiling induction (air and water) units (cooling beams) serving for the office premises air conditioning in administrative buildings, in his article. He analyses merits and imperfections of both systems in detail. He describes the rebirth of induction units, their development, the distribution and the success with their use during recent years, and possibilities whether fan-coil units can remove problems of induction units. He utilizes his own experience as concerns designing and the operation of said systems. He describes their preferences from the viewpoint of the function, possibility to install them in the soffit, costingness of consequential professions as well as impacts in the interior design. As the conclusion, he suggests a question whether fan-coil units have already reached the peak of their use or they shall again find their application in the market in future years.

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Pages: 118-124


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  • Original title: Ventilátorové konvektory: pád nebo renesance pri jejich použití v moderních a nízkoenergetických budovách.
  • Record ID : 30005175
  • Languages: Czech
  • Source: Vytápení Vetrání Instalace - vol. 21 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 2012


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