Government buildings and their internal environment.

[In Dutch. / En néerlandais.]

Author(s) : EVERS F. W. R.

Type of article: Article


States that the Dutch Government Building Agency (RGD), in addition to its conventional building role, encourages associated environmental policy, particularly where it relates to internal building ambience. States it does this, for example, by using suitable designs and selecting suitable materials to go in the buildings for which it is responsible. Describes how the RGD aims to reduce the energy consumption of all its buildings by 29% by the year 2000.


  • Original title: [In Dutch. / En néerlandais.]
  • Record ID : 1993-1589
  • Languages: Dutch
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment
  • Source: Klimaatbeheersing - vol. 21 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 1992/03


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