Heat and mass transfer characteristics of a rotating regenerative total energy wheel.

Author(s) : SPARROW E. M., TONG J. C. K., JOHNSON M. R., et al.

Type of article: Article


An experimental investigation has been carried out to determine the operating performance of a rotating regenerative total energy wheel (TEW). A total energy wheel is a device which conserves both sensible and latent energies. It transfers heat from a warmer to a cooler airstream while simultaneously transferring moisture from a more humid to a less humid airstream. The effectiveness of a TEW device has been measured in a special experimental facility which incorporates features that enable the obtainment of data of highaccuracy. The heart of the facility is a spacious, compartmented plenum chamber made from extruded, closed-cell polystyrene which is free of extraneous heat transfer and air leakage. The plenum allows for well-defined inlet and exit conditions for the heat/moisture exchanger being evaluated. Only the plenum need be reconfigured to accommodate each heat/moisture exchanger type, a task that can be performed in a day. The remainder of the facility is universal for all heat/moisture exchangers. Most of the instrumentation is located in the universal part of the facility and is not affected by plenum reconfigurations. [Reprinted with permission from Elsevier. Copyright, 2006].


  • Original title: Heat and mass transfer characteristics of a rotating regenerative total energy wheel.
  • Record ID : 2007-2204
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 50 - n. 7-8
  • Publication date: 2007/04


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