IIR document

High-pressure liquid refrigerant injection for reciprocating compressors.


Type of article: IJR article


Isentropic (adiabatic) compression of superheated vapor in vapor compression refrigeration cycles usually results in some discharge superheat, i.e. the discharge temperature exceeding the condensing temperature. Large discharge superheat reduces both operating range and compression efficiency. Sub-isentropic compression with heat rejection to the heat sink is therefore superior to adiabatic compression, as it results in lower discharge superheat and improved efficiency. However, significant temperature reduction by heat transfer through the working chamber walls is difficult to facilitate in common refrigeration compressors, particularly reciprocating compressors. Refrigerant and oil injection is a well-established method for reducing temperatures and increasing efficiency in screw and scroll compressors, as well as multi-stage systems. In comparison, effective methods for temperature reduction in single-stage reciprocating compressors are fairly limited. Therefore, a concept for high-pressure liquid injection is proposed. By means of a pump and injection valve, high-pressure liquid refrigerant is injected into the working chamber and atomized. The compressed gas is cooled through the evaporation of the injected liquid. The injection valve allows for control over the injection timing and quantity, enabling adjustment of the temperature profile, which is a major distinction from existing refrigerant injection methods. The coupled compression-injection process is evaluated for various refrigerants using an energetic chamber model. The injection is found to be particularly suitable for refrigerants with a large evaporation heat and a shallow dew line slope. For the example of ammonia, a theoretical reduction in compression work of 8.9% at an evaporation temperature of −10 °C and a condensing temperature of 45 °C is found.

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Pages: 29-37


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  • Original title: High-pressure liquid refrigerant injection for reciprocating compressors.
  • Record ID : 30032400
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 164
  • Publication date: 2024/08
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.04.017


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