IIR document

Imprecisely verifying performance of water chilling machines by refrigerant-circuit measurements.

Author(s) : BAILEY-MCEWAN M.


Water chilling machines for air-conditioning often fail to attain specified capacity or efficiency. Techniques for monitoring on-site performance are well documented, but at many sites, accuracies of fitted instruments, particularly in water circuits liable to contamination, are not assured. Apparent performance can be verified from independent measurements in the refrigerant circuit, but one or more required such measurements may be unobtainable. The obtainable refrigerant-circuit measurements may, however, be able to imprecisely verify apparent performance, and hence identify large, unacceptable errors therein. A graphical method for this purpose, the acceptability band plot, is presented. Together with an accompanying, implied water flow plot, it depicts the available evidence for unacceptable monitoring errors in apparent performance. This plot also aids in estimating the penalties of abnormal conditions in the refrigerant circuit. Two case studies illustrate the method.

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  • Original title: Imprecisely verifying performance of water chilling machines by refrigerant-circuit measurements.
  • Record ID : 2004-2424
  • Languages: English
  • Source: 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
  • Publication date: 2003/08/17


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