Influence of a multistrand cable design on its quench development process and stability.

Author(s) : VYSOTSKY V. S., KOROBKO A. V., ILYIN Y. A., MULDER G. B. M., KATE H. H. J. ten

Type of article: Article


The quench development process was studied with two six-strand superconducting cable samples with insulated strands and different cabling design. One sample was the traditional "six-around-one" cable, the other was of the "round-braid' type. Quench was initiated by a heating pulse applied to a single strand. A significant difference was observed in the current redistribution among strands due to the different cabling designs. It has an important influence on the stability of multistrand cables. A new concept of the "single-strand stability" was proposed and corresponding stability criteria were offered. A possible way to improve cable stability by using special cabling design is discussed.


  • Original title: Influence of a multistrand cable design on its quench development process and stability.
  • Record ID : 1998-2110
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Cryogenics - vol. 37 - n. 9
  • Publication date: 1997/09


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