Integrated design for small commercial buildings: an idea whose time has come.
Author(s) : JACOBS P. C., HIGGINS C.
Type of article: Article
Small commercial buildings represent approximately 80 percent of the total commercial new construction activity in the US each year. According to research conducted for the State of California, small packaged rooftop equipment dominates the small commercial building market and is growing in market share each year. Another growing market area is high-performance or "green" buildings. Integrated design is the backbone of achieving high-performance for green buildings. Budgeting for a higher level of design can be accomplished by shifting funds from construction to design. This allows for total costs to remain constant because increased design integration can lower construction costs equivalently.
- Original title: Integrated design for small commercial buildings: an idea whose time has come.
- Record ID : 2005-0320
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment
- Source: HPAC Engineering - vol. 76 - n. 7
- Publication date: 2004/07
See other articles in this issue (1)
See the source
- Themes: Other air-conditioning equipment
- Keywords: Commercial building; Design; Recommendation; Environment; Energy saving; Air conditioning
Green engineering.
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- Date : 1997/06
- Languages : English
- Source: Build. Serv. environ. Eng. - vol. 20 - n. 10
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