Investigation of absorption enhancement by a surfactant.

Author(s) : NISHIMURA N., NOMURA T., IYOTA H., et al.


These proceedings contain 115 papers and plenary lectures of this conference, held in Shanghai, China. They give a broad view of both current trends and future prospects in the field of sorption research and development. China is one of the biggest countries to develop and use absorption chillers. Extract from the table of contents: sorption contribution to climate change mitigation; carbon-ammonia sorption systems; advanced modular simulation of open absorption systems; solar sorption refrigerators with dual sources of energy; adsorption and absorption refrigeration research and application at Shanghai University; a heat driven sorption refrigerating and air conditioning cycle in Japan; power generation by concentration difference energy systems and high absorption ability of constant curvature surface; review of prospects of development of lithium bromide absorption refrigeration technology in China.


  • Original title: Investigation of absorption enhancement by a surfactant.
  • Record ID : 2004-0671
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Proceedings of the International Sorption Heat Pump Conference.
  • Publication date: 2002/09/24
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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