IIR document

Meshing pair geometry of the intersecting-axis internally geared screw compressor.

Author(s) : LI D., HE Z., CHEN X., SUN C., MA K., WANG C., XING Z.

Type of article: IJR article


The Intersecting-Axis Internally Geared Screw Compressor (IISC) is an emerging advanced positive displacement machine showing the potential to greatly broaden the application of screw compressor technology. The core component of the IISC is an internally geared meshing pair with the intersecting-axis gearing, while its design methodology has not been disclosed yet. To fill the gap, this paper established the geometry model for the meshing pair and discussed the influence of its core parameters on geometric performance. First, the generation model of meshing pairs was presented, and the complete parameters set of meshing pairs was defined. The established model was verified by a meshing pair manufactured by 3D printing and CNC techniques. Next, the geometric analysis model of IISCs was established such as working volume and leakage channels, which was verified by commercial 3D software. Using the analysis model, the mesh pair parameters (rotor profile, cone angle, wrap angle, and L/D ratio) were discussed to reveal the design methodology of IISCs. Finally, the variable-pitch technology was discussed, and a novel variable-pitch method was proposed to further enhance the performance of IISCs. This paper could effectively guide the design of IISCs to further promote the development of the screw compressor technology.

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Pages: 166-183


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  • Original title: Meshing pair geometry of the intersecting-axis internally geared screw compressor.
  • Record ID : 30033216
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 169
  • Publication date: 2025/01
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.10.012


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