Multi-layered wall design to optimize building-plant interaction.


Type of article: Article


This article describes a study on a building envelope designed to make it easier for an air-conditioning plant to keep the indoor air temperature constant in spite of unpredictable external temperature influences. To achieve this, two criteria can be used: peak power minimization or the average time interval maximization of the air-conditioning plant working step. Among all possible multi-layered walls, the symmetrical three-layered one, with the high heat capacity layer between two equal layers made of insulating material, turned out to be an excellent compromise fully satisfying the first criterion and, with good approximation, the second too. All the other usual walls, in particular the homogeneous single-layered ones, as well as the two-layered ones with the insulating layer placed on the outer or inner face of the wall, and the three-layered ones with the insulating layer disposed in the mid-plane of the wall, have turned out to be distinctly worse.


  • Original title: Multi-layered wall design to optimize building-plant interaction.
  • Record ID : 2004-2391
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of thermal Sciences - vol. 43 - n. 4
  • Publication date: 2004/04


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