Natural ventilation in an auditorium: the role of thermal storage in the energy consumption and comfort of De Montfort University auditorium.

Author(s) : AIULFI D., MAAS K. van der


Discusses and analyses different design problems related to the natural ventilation of an auditorium. Presents the results of different dynamic simulations of air temperatures and air flow rate. Describes the performance of dynamic thermal simulations over a whole year. Compares the energy consumption of the space with either natural or mechanical ventilation using the same conditions of occupancy and climate. Discusses control strategies of the natural ventilation system and demonstrates their influence on the indoor climate and energy consumption. Examines the role of thermal storage. Considers possible improvements.


  • Original title: Natural ventilation in an auditorium: the role of thermal storage in the energy consumption and comfort of De Montfort University auditorium.
  • Record ID : 1997-3544
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1996/07
  • Source: Source: Proc. Roomvent '96, Yokohama
    vol. 2; 291-298; 12 fig.; 8 ref.