Non-linear thermal relaxation waves in high-critical temperature superconductors carrying current.

Author(s) : BANDOS T. V.

Type of article: Article


In addition to the conventional wave of normal zone propagation, two new types of non-linear heat waves have been predicted theoretically in high-critical temperature nitrogen-cooled superconductors under current and the conditions under which they occur are described. These waves are characterized by a concurrent relaxation of the electric fields and hence they define the stability of high-critical temperature superconductors. Within the scope of a phenomenological approach, the relationship between transport current and the velocity of transient boiling region boundary motion has been derived from the non-stationary heat transfer equation. The effect of the temperature dependence of the ceramic's resistivity on normal zone dynamics has also been analysed.


  • Original title: Non-linear thermal relaxation waves in high-critical temperature superconductors carrying current.
  • Record ID : 1993-1851
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Cryogenics - vol. 31 - n. 11
  • Publication date: 1991/11


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