IIR document
Parametric optimization of a new combined refrigeration cycle: active thermal potentiostatting system.
Author(s) : YE X. M., CHEN J. C., LIN G. X.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
The active thermal potentiostatting system proposed by Martinovskii and Tsirlin is directly generalized to a more practical case, in which one intermediate chamber, besides a thermal potentiostatting chamber, and two irreversible refrigeration cycles are included and the influence of the thermal resistance between the working fluid and the reservoirs, the heat leakages from the environment to the intermediate chamber and from the intermediate chamber to the potentiostatting chamber are taken into account. Expressions for the main parameters of the system are derived. By using the optimal control theory, the minimum total power input of the system with non-zero cooling rates is calculated and the temperatures of the working fluid in the isothermal processes of the refrigeration cycles are optimized. The optimal allocation of the heat-transfer areas of the heat-exchangers in the refrigeration cycles is discussed in detail. The results obtained here are more general and useful than the relevant results in literature and can provide some valuable guidance for the optimal design and operation of real active thermal potentiostatting systems.
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Pages: 995-1003
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- Original title: Parametric optimization of a new combined refrigeration cycle: active thermal potentiostatting system.
- Record ID : 2007-2452
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 30 - n. 6
- Publication date: 2007/09
See other articles in this issue (16)
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