Performance modelling of a desiccant-evaporative sorption air conditioning system driven by micro-turbine waste heat in tropical climates.

Author(s) : KOHLENBACH P., BONGS C., WHITE S., et al.

Type of article: Article


This paper presents preliminary simulation results on the performance of a trigeneration system in the tropical climate of northern Australia. In response to the demand of the Australian government to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable building technologies, CSIRO Energy Technology has developed a combined power and desiccant cooling system for a public library in Sydney, Australia. The TrigenAir system consists of a 60 kW(el) gas turbine in combination with a desiccant sorption wheel to provide fresh air dehumidification, evaporative cooling and power generation. An existing conventional air conditioning unit has been included into the system to deliver peak cooling capacities if needed. A control strategy has been developed to optimise the performance of the desiccant wheel in combination with the micro-turbine and evaporative coolers. The system has been in operation since April 2004. A transient simulation model of the system has been developed using TRNSYS and the existing installation in Sydney has been modelled with good accuracy. The simulation model can be used to predict the performance of the system not only using different configurations but also in different climate zones. This paper presents simulation results for the application of the TrigenAir system in the tropical climate zones of northern Australia. Data on operational performance as well as greenhouse gas emission reductions are presented and compared to a baseline using conventional air conditioning equipment.


  • Original title: Performance modelling of a desiccant-evaporative sorption air conditioning system driven by micro-turbine waste heat in tropical climates.
  • Record ID : 2007-1710
  • Languages: English
  • Source: EcoLibrium - vol. 5 - n. 11
  • Publication date: 2006/12/01


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