Tests carried out in Saclay on superconducting magnets for the W7X stellarator.

Les essais, à Saclay, des aimants supraconducteurs du stellarator W7X.

Author(s) : JACQUEMET M.


This high-capacity test rig (with 5.5 m diameter and 5 m high cryostats, 25 000-ampere current) is operated using supercritical helium. This makes it possible to ensure acceptance of the magnets for this fusion machine. At this station, tests on the superconducting magnets will make it possible to check and measure mechanical behaviour, absence of cable-in-conduct conductive losses, correct configuration of the cable within the duct, adequate electrical insulation, magnet behaviour under nominal current and/or during quench conditions, strain and mechanical stresses on the whole system.


  • Original title: Les essais, à Saclay, des aimants supraconducteurs du stellarator W7X.
  • Record ID : 2007-0030
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Technology
  • Source: Sixth conference on cryogenics and superconductivity. Proceedings (comprising papers and posters)./ Sixièmes Journées de cryogénie et de supraconductivité. Recueil des présentations orales et posters.
  • Publication date: 2000/05/16


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