The role of facade on fire spread.

Uloga fasada na širenje požara.



To prevent the spread of fire in the building, fire sectors should be build in between floors. This recommendation is not always sufficient, if the object is consists of several floors. The spread of fire on the upper floors usually occurs over the outside walls of the facade, mainly thanks to the windows. This spread of fire usually increases in the case of glazed facade surface, the so-called "curtain of glass". Requirements for facade fire resistance and requirements for sufficient distance between floors of at least 1 m, are not always respected in the architectural facade solutions. Trend of solving the façade as a curtain, is increasingly appears in our country in recent years. This led to a conclusive increase fire danger on the buildings and the possible rapid spread of the fire vertically. For this reason it is important to consider all the dangers such facade solution is puting before us, not only in the case of fire spread on the facade, but also the transfer of fire from one object to another by radiation. The case of transmission of fire by radiation will not be considered In this paper, althought influance is not small to spread the fire. Complete issues will be processed having in mind the software of thermodynamics of uncontroled combustion in one room and the balance of the formation of heat.

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Pages: 11 p.


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  • Original title: Uloga fasada na širenje požara.
  • Record ID : 30020263
  • Languages: Serbian
  • Source: 47th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition.
  • Publication date: 2016/12


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