Transient behaviour of economizers for multi-stage refrigeration plant.

Author(s) : FERREIRA C. I., KALKMAN H.


In two-stage systems, vessels that combine flash-gas removal and intercooling are commonly used. An alternative for these vessels is the use of "economizers", dry evaporator heat exchangers. The advantages of this solution are: smaller volume requirements, lower costs and much smaller refrigerant contents. The paper describes a dynamic simulation model for economizers of multi-stage refrigerating plants. The model has been implemented in Fortran. The main objective of the model was to predict the effect of design criteria on the (dynamic) performance and refrigerant contents of compact economizers. The model results have been compared with experimental data obtained with a shell-and-tube economizer.

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Pages: 241-246


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  • Original title: Transient behaviour of economizers for multi-stage refrigeration plant.
  • Record ID : 1997-0205
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Proceedings of the 1996 Purdue International Refrigeration Conference.
  • Publication date: 1996/07/23


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