2nd edition of World Ventilation Day on November 8

The theme for the 2023 edition of World Ventilation Day theme is "Breathe Better, Live Better".

For the second year on 8th November, World Ventilation Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of ventilation for human health and well-being.[1] It also aims to promote ventilation and indoor air quality. Ventilation is the process of bringing fresh, outdoor air inside and letting indoor air outside in order to maintain or improve air quality.[2] Ensuring proper ventilation can help reduce the concentration of indoor air pollutants or contaminants, including viruses.[3]


The theme for the 2023 edition of World Ventilation Day theme is "Breathe Better, Live Better; World Ventil8 Day".


For more information, visit the World Ventilation Day website.



Did you know? The IIR has released an Informatory Note on mechanical ventilation systems, available for download on FRIDOC.




[1] World Ventil8 Day. https://www.worldventil8day.com/

[2] Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Ventilation and air conditioning. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-ventilation-and-air-conditioning

[3] Ventilation and Coronavirus (COVID-19). https://www.epa.gov/coronavirus/ventilation-and-coronavirus-covid-19