Australia: a cool benchmarking tool

An online calculation tool to measure efficiency and reduce use of HVAC systems.
An estimated 22% of Australia’s electricity  is used in air-conditioning and refrigeration systems and HVAC systems are responsible for more than 40% of the energy used in commercial buildings.

In order to measure system efficiency and reduce the use of HVAC systems, a calculating tool has been launched online for building owners and HVAC industry professionals. This Calculating Cool project is a “balanced combination of quantitative and qualitative measurements across the design, installation and operational phases of the HVAC life-cycle” says AIRAH CEO, Phil Wilkinson,  a partner in the operation.

The Calculating Cool is expected to rate, reward and encourage best-practice HVAC systems in buildings and therefore to allow cost savings, while providing the metrics and rules that the Australian HVAC industry needs.

EcoLibrium/ClimateControlNews (Dec 2014)